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Suggested Resources

Practice Videos

We can get stuck in harsh self criticism.  This cycle inhibits our vitality, problem solving skills and relational connections with others. Self Compassion is the secret ingredient to any healthy behavior change or mind reset. As we become more compassionate to ourselves, our compassion for others is also enhanced.

This practice helps you become more present in your body, more focused and attuned to your situation and your current needs. It’s a great way to take a short breather or prepare for a stressful meeting or interaction.

This practice helps you become more present in your body, more focused and attuned to your situation and your current needs. It’s a great way to take a short breather or prepare for a stressful meeting or interaction.


Listening to shame | Brené Brown | TED

Listening to shame | Brené Brown | TED

What is Brainspotting?

Who does Brainspotting work with?

As a client, why choose Brainspotting?



Websites, Videos, Apps, etc.

(Please remember that websites and apps gather and sell your information. Do not share any personal, identifying information such as your birth date, etc.)

Dr. Kristin Neff’s website. Self-compassion scales, guided meditations and practices, research articles, etc. 

Quiet Revolution is a wonderful resource to understand and honor the introvert in the workplace, home, and school.  


Bilateral Music-
Download David Grand's bilateral music and nature sounds at here.


Insight Timer App-
A timer for meditation with guided meditations such as, contemplative prayer practice, self-compassion practices, grounding, body scan relaxation, etc. 


3D Brain App-  
A wonderful visual of brain anatomy.


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